Innovations in Fuzzy Clustering: Theory and Applications / Edition 1

Innovations in Fuzzy Clustering: Theory and Applications / Edition 1

by Mika Sato-Ilic, Lakhmi C. Jain

There is a great interest in clustering techniques due to the vast amount of data generated in every field including business, health, science, engineering, aerospace, management and so on. It is essential to extract useful information from the data. Clustering techniques are widely used in pattern recognition and related applications.

The research monograph

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There is a great interest in clustering techniques due to the vast amount of data generated in every field including business, health, science, engineering, aerospace, management and so on. It is essential to extract useful information from the data. Clustering techniques are widely used in pattern recognition and related applications.

The research monograph presents the most recent advances in fuzzy clustering techniques and their applications. The following contents are included:

• Introduction to Fuzzy Clustering

• Fuzzy Clustering based Principal Component Analysis

• Fuzzy Clustering based Regression Analysis

• Kernel based Fuzzy Clustering

• Evaluation of Fuzzy Clustering

• Self-Organized Fuzzy Clustering

This book is directed to the computer scientists, engineers, scientists, professors and students of engineering, science, computer science, business, management, avionics and related disciplines.

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Product Details

Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Publication date:
Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing Series, #205
Edition description:
Product dimensions:
9.21(w) x 6.14(h) x 0.50(d)

Table of Contents

to Fuzzy Clustering.- Fuzzy Clustering based Principal Component Analysis.- Fuzzy Clustering based Regression Analysis.- Kernel based Fuzzy Clustering.- Evaluation of Fuzzy Clustering.- Self-Organized Fuzzy Clustering.

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