Inside dBASE 5 for Windows

Inside dBASE 5 for Windows

by Richard Wagner, J. Wetzel

Experienced database developers reveal techniques, tips, and secrets of this database application to users new to the Windows environment.

  • Features comprehensive coverage of application development in Windows, moving from DOS to Windows, and right sizing to a PC-based platform
  • Discussions include how to store and utilize multimedia data such as stereo
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Experienced database developers reveal techniques, tips, and secrets of this database application to users new to the Windows environment.

  • Features comprehensive coverage of application development in Windows, moving from DOS to Windows, and right sizing to a PC-based platform
  • Discussions include how to store and utilize multimedia data such as stereo sound, full-motion video, and true-color graphics

Product Details

New Riders
Publication date:
Product dimensions:
7.54(w) x 9.08(h) x 1.95(d)

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