Inside Microsoft SQL Server 6.5

Inside Microsoft SQL Server 6.5

by Ron Soukup

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With CDROM Ron Soukup, former general manager for the SQL Server product and current SQL team guru, has penned this comprehensive guide for those who develop this important database tool. The book covers all frequently asked questions about SQL Server. The CD includes all SQL Server documents—the ideal tool for handy reference or forSee more details below


With CDROM Ron Soukup, former general manager for the SQL Server product and current SQL team guru, has penned this comprehensive guide for those who develop this important database tool. The book covers all frequently asked questions about SQL Server. The CD includes all SQL Server documents—the ideal tool for handy reference or for

Product Details

Microsoft Press
Publication date:
Microsoft Programming Series
Product dimensions:
7.41(w) x 9.22(h) x 2.09(d)

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