Inside ODBC: Developer's Guide to the Industry Standard for Database Connectivity

Inside ODBC: Developer's Guide to the Industry Standard for Database Connectivity

by Kyle Geiger

Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) is a standard API for accessing information from different data storage formats and programming interfaces. Support for ODBC is not limited to Microsoft; it's now an industry standard that nearly all DBMS vendors and major independent software vendors support. Inside ODBC, written by the architect of ODBC, Kyle Geiger, dispels the

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Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) is a standard API for accessing information from different data storage formats and programming interfaces. Support for ODBC is not limited to Microsoft; it's now an industry standard that nearly all DBMS vendors and major independent software vendors support. Inside ODBC, written by the architect of ODBC, Kyle Geiger, dispels the confusion about this technology by explaining its design, its architecture, and some of its history. Important considerations for the next release of ODBC - version 3.0 - are also covered. This is truly the inside story of ODBC, the key ingredient of next-generation client/server computing. For technical managers in corporate information systems groups, developers of ODBC-enabled drivers and applications, those involved in the process of downsizing from mainframes to distributed client/server computing, and database users who have heard of ODBC but don't really understand it, this book is essential reading.

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Editorial Reviews

The creator of Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) explains the technology's design, architecture, and history in this text/CD-ROM package. He places ODBC in the context of the client/server environment, describes the ODBC driver and important features, and offers fully developed real-word applications that teach how to develop ODBC-enabled applications (included on the companion CD). For technical managers, developers, and database users. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (

Product Details

Microsoft Press
Publication date:
Programming Series
Product dimensions:
7.40(w) x 9.23(h) x 1.37(d)

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