Inside Paradox 5.0 for Windows

Inside Paradox 5.0 for Windows

by Richard Wagner

All the inside information on the latest version of Paradox-in one comprehensive reference! This book offers readers a complete look at developing end-user applications through hands-on projects.

  • Provides information on operating Paradox across standard PC networks
  • Discusses connecting Paradox to mainframe and midrange databases through SQL
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All the inside information on the latest version of Paradox-in one comprehensive reference! This book offers readers a complete look at developing end-user applications through hands-on projects.

  • Provides information on operating Paradox across standard PC networks
  • Discusses connecting Paradox to mainframe and midrange databases through SQL links
  • Disk contains a complete application which was developed using Paradox for Windows

Product Details

New Riders
Publication date:
Edition description:
3rd ed
Product dimensions:
7.36(w) x 9.13(h) x 1.90(d)

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