Instant Pentaho Data Integration Kitchen

Instant Pentaho Data Integration Kitchen

by Sergio Ramazzina

In Detail

Pentaho PDI is a modern, powerful, and easy-to-use ETL system that lets you develop ETL processes with simplicity. Explore and gain the experience and skills that you need to run processes from the command line or schedule them by using an extensive description and a good set of samples.

Instant Pentaho Data Integration Kitchen How-to will help

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In Detail

Pentaho PDI is a modern, powerful, and easy-to-use ETL system that lets you develop ETL processes with simplicity. Explore and gain the experience and skills that you need to run processes from the command line or schedule them by using an extensive description and a good set of samples.

Instant Pentaho Data Integration Kitchen How-to will help you to understand the correct way to deal with PDI command line tools. We start with a recipe about how to configure your memory requirements to run your processes effectively and then move forward with a set of recipes that show you the different ways to start PDI processes.

We start with a recap about how transformations and jobs are designed using spoon and then move forward to configure memory requirements to properly run your processes from the command line.

We dive into the various flags that control the logging system by specifying the logging output and the log verbosity. We focus and deliver all the knowledge you require to run the ETL processes using command line tools with ease and in a proficient manner.


Filled with practical, step-by-step instructions and clear explanations for the most important and useful tasks. A practical guide with easy-to-follow recipes helping developers to quickly and effectively collect data from disparate sources such as databases, files, and applications, and turn the data into a unified format that is accessible and relevant to end users.

Who this book is for

Any IT professional working on PDI and is a valid support for either learning how to use the command line tools efficiently or for going deeper on some aspects of the command line tools to help you work better.

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Product Details

Packt Publishing Pvt. Ltd.
Publication date:
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Barnes & Noble
File size:
2 MB

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