Intelligent Databases: Object-Oriented, Deductive Hypermedia Technologies

Intelligent Databases: Object-Oriented, Deductive Hypermedia Technologies

by Kamran Parsaye, Mark Chignell, Setrag Khoshafian, Harry Wong

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Presents a model for intelligent databases based on five information technologies: databases, object-oriented programming, expert systems, hypertext, and text management. This self-contained treatment actually shows how to construct an intelligent database on a microcomputer by building a shell much like the shells used to construct expert systems. A realistic

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Presents a model for intelligent databases based on five information technologies: databases, object-oriented programming, expert systems, hypertext, and text management. This self-contained treatment actually shows how to construct an intelligent database on a microcomputer by building a shell much like the shells used to construct expert systems. A realistic intelligent database example is throughout the book to illustrate ideas being discussed.

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7.29(w) x 9.22(h) x 0.90(d)

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