Interactive Computing Series: Microsoft Access 97 / Edition 1

Interactive Computing Series: Microsoft Access 97 / Edition 1

by Kenneth Laudon

This brief,highly graphic,colorfully illustrated text offers a beginning skill level in less than 200 pages.

Unique pedagogy lets students see,do,practice,and test every software skill,motivated by a concept explanation.

Introductory skills are covered in easily absorbed 2 - 3 page spreads which graphically demonstrate and reinforce each concept.


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This brief,highly graphic,colorfully illustrated text offers a beginning skill level in less than 200 pages.

Unique pedagogy lets students see,do,practice,and test every software skill,motivated by a concept explanation.

Introductory skills are covered in easily absorbed 2 - 3 page spreads which graphically demonstrate and reinforce each concept.

A business case scenario,running throughout the text,integrates all the concepts and applications.

Student Data Files are packaged in the Instructor's Manual (on a CD) and can be copied onto a disk for students,and/or copied to computers in the lab,or placed on the the lab's network.

Product Details

McGraw-Hill Higher Education
Publication date:
Interactive Computing Series
Product dimensions:
8.30(w) x 10.50(h) x 0.28(d)

Table of Contents

1: Getting Started
Starting Access
Opening a Database
Working with Toolbars
Getting Help in Access
Exiting Access
2: Building a Database
Exploring the Databse Window
Planning a Database
Creating a New Database File
Creating a Table
Designing First and Other Table Fields
Adding Field Descriptions
Modifying Field Properties
Saving and Viewing the Field
3: Table Design
Managing Access Databases
Adding a Field
Editing a Tables Structure
Reorganizing Records in a Table
Adding a Related Table and New Record
Finding Information in a Table
4: Working with Records
Enter Records Efficiently Into a Table
Navigate Through Records
Edit a Record/Information in a Table
Copy and Paste a Record
Find Information
Sort/Reorganize a Table
Sort a Table Using Multiple Criteria
5: Managing Data with Forms
Creating a Form with Form Wizards
Editing a Forms layout
Editing a Form - Adding a Field
Working with Records in Form View
Establishing a Tables Relationships
Creating a Sub-form
(and more...)

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