International IT Governance: An Executive Guide to ISO 17799/ISO 27001

International IT Governance: An Executive Guide to ISO 17799/ISO 27001

by Alan Calder, Steve Watkins

An essential resource for business managers at any-sized organization, this book provides the current best practice in managing data and information risks as companies face increasingly complex and dangerous threats to information security.See more details below


An essential resource for business managers at any-sized organization, this book provides the current best practice in managing data and information risks as companies face increasingly complex and dangerous threats to information security.

Product Details

Kogan Page, Ltd.
Publication date:
Kogan Page Series
Edition description:
New Edition
Product dimensions:
6.26(w) x 9.22(h) x 0.94(d)

Table of Contents

1Why is information security necessary?9
2Sarbanes-Oxley and regulatory compliance23
3Information security standards31
4Organizing information security45
5Information security policy and scope63
6The risk assessment and statement of applicability73
7External parties95
8Asset management109
9Human resources security127
10Physical and environmental security145
11Equipment security157
12Communications and operations management167
13Controls against malicious software (malware) and back-ups181
14Network security management and media handling195
15Exchanges of information203
16Electronic commerce services211
17E-mail and Internet use223
18Access control231
19Network access control249
20Operating system access control261
21Application access control and teleworking267
22Systems acquisition, development and maintenance275
23Cryptographic controls281
24Security in development and support processes289
25Monitoring and information security incident management299
26Business continuity management315
28The ISO/IEC 27001 audit345

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