Introduction to Cryptology and PC Security

Introduction to Cryptology and PC Security

by Brian Beckett

This volume provides an overview of cryptographic and related data-security algorithms, packages and research. The focus is on the context of overall security management.

The book examines the respective theoretical strengths and weaknesses of the algorithms concerned, trends in hardware, systems and architectures which may affect the security environment, and the

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This volume provides an overview of cryptographic and related data-security algorithms, packages and research. The focus is on the context of overall security management.

The book examines the respective theoretical strengths and weaknesses of the algorithms concerned, trends in hardware, systems and architectures which may affect the security environment, and the applications and limitations of security systems within the present environment.

The book considers the whole socio-economic spectrum and is relevant to students, professionals and small and large organizations using computers as remote terminals, linked on-line to EDP facilities, as databases and individually.

Product Details

McGraw-Hill Companies, The
Publication date:
Edition description:
Product dimensions:
5.91(w) x 9.06(h) x (d)

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