Introduction to Databases / Edition 1

Introduction to Databases / Edition 1

by Mark L. Gillenson, Paulraj Ponniah, Alex Kriegel, Boris M. Trukhnov

You can get there

Where do you want to go? You might already be working in the information technology field and may be looking to expand your skills. You might be setting out on a new career path. Or, you might want to learn more about exciting opportunities in database management.

Wherever you want to go, Introduction to Databases will

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You can get there

Where do you want to go? You might already be working in the information technology field and may be looking to expand your skills. You might be setting out on a new career path. Or, you might want to learn more about exciting opportunities in database management.

Wherever you want to go, Introduction to Databases will help you get there. Easy-to-read, practical, and up-to-date, this text not only helps you learn fundamental database design and management concepts, it also helps you master the core competencies and skills you need to succeed in the classroom and in the real world. The book’s brief, modular format and variety of built-in learning resources enable you to learn at your own pace and focus your studies.

With this book, you will be able to:

  • Appreciate the key role of data in daily business operations and strategic decisions.
  • Understand databases, database management systems, and SQL, the software on which they are based, from the ground up.
  • Know how to gather and organize critical business information, design a database based on this information, and retrieve and modify that information in a useful manner.
  • Use accepted data modeling procedures to design a relational database.
  • Master the concept of data normalization and the use of standard normalization rules.
  • Explore critical real-world issues including application integration and securing data against disclosure and loss.

Wiley Pathways helps you achieve your goals

Not every student is on the same path, but every student wants to succeed. The Information Technology series in the new Wiley Pathways imprint helps you achieve your goals. The books in this series––Introduction to Databases, Introduction to Programming Using Visual Basic, Introduction to Operating Systems, Networking Basics, Windows Network Administration, Network Security Fundamentals, and PC Hardware Essentials—offer a coordinated information technology curriculum. Learn more at

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Product Details

Publication date:
Wiley Pathways Series
Edition description:
New Edition
Sales rank:
Product dimensions:
7.36(w) x 9.09(h) x 1.08(d)

Table of Contents

1 Introducing to Data and Data Management 1

2 Introducing Databases and Database Management Systems 24

3 Data Modeling 60

4 Designing a Database 104

5 Implementing a Database 146

6 Understanding the SQL Language 184

7 Data Access and Manipulation 223

8 Improving Data Access 263

9 Database Administration 300

10 Transactions and Locking 332

11 Data Access and Security 368

12 Supporting Database Applications 412

Glossary 448

Index 465

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