Introduction to Object-Oriented Databases

Introduction to Object-Oriented Databases

by Won Kim

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Introduction to Object-Oriented Databases provides the first unified and coherent presentation of the essential concepts and techniques of object-oriented databases. It consolidates the results of research and development in the semantics and implementation of a full spectrum of database facilities for object-oriented systems, including data model, query,

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Introduction to Object-Oriented Databases provides the first unified and coherent presentation of the essential concepts and techniques of object-oriented databases. It consolidates the results of research and development in the semantics and implementation of a full spectrum of database facilities for object-oriented systems, including data model, query, authorization, schema evolution, storage structures, query optimization, transaction management, versions, composite objects,and integration of a programming language and a database system.The book draws on the author's Orion project at MCC, currently the most advanced object-oriented database system, and places this work in a larger context by using relational database systems and other object-oriented systems for comparison.Won Kim is Director of the Object-Oriented and Distributed Systems Laboratory at Microelectronics and Computer Technology Corporation (MCC) in Austin,Texas.Contents: Introduction. Data Model. Basic Interface. Relationships with Non-Object-Oriented Databases. Schema Modification. Model of Queries. Query Language. Authorization. Storage Structures. Query Processing. Transaction Management. Semantic Extensions. Integrating Object-Oriented Programming and Databases. Architecture. Survey of Object-Oriented Database Systems. Directions for Future Research and Development.

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Editorial Reviews

An overview of the essential concepts and techniques of object- oriented databases, drawing on Kim's own ORION project at the Microelectronics and Computer Technology Corporation in Austin, Texas. Useful as a textbook for graduates who have completed a course in relational databases. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (

Product Details

MIT Press
Publication date:
Computer Systems Series
Product dimensions:
7.00(w) x 9.00(h) x 0.90(d)
Age Range:
18 Years

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