Introduction to SQL: Mastering the Relational Database Language / Edition 3

Introduction to SQL: Mastering the Relational Database Language / Edition 3

by Rick Van Der Lans

SQL was, is and always will be the database language for relational database systems such as Oracle, DB2, Sybase, Informix and Microsoft SQL Server. Introduction to SQL describes in depth the full capacity of SQL as it is implemented by the commercial databases, without neglecting the most recent changes to the standard, bringing the book up to date and fully… See more details below


SQL was, is and always will be the database language for relational database systems such as Oracle, DB2, Sybase, Informix and Microsoft SQL Server. Introduction to SQL describes in depth the full capacity of SQL as it is implemented by the commercial databases, without neglecting the most recent changes to the standard, bringing the book up to date and fully compliant with SQL3. Unique in the extent of its coverage, this book takes you from the beginning to the end of SQL, the concepts to the practice, the apprentice to the master.

Product Details

Publication date:
Edition description:
Older Edition
Product dimensions:
6.86(w) x 9.24(h) x 1.41(d)

Table of Contents

1Introduction to SQL 13
2The tennis club sample database28
3Working with SOLID37
4SQL in a nutshell52
IIQuerying and updating data
5SELECT statement: common elements71
6Clauses of the SELECT statement100
7The SELECT statement: the FROM clause111
8SELECT statement the WHERE clause126
9SELECT statement: the SELECT clause and functions177
10SELECT statement: GROUP BY and HAVING200
11SELECT statement: the ORDER BY clause218
12Combining SELECT statements227
13The subquary249
14The FROM clause extended275
15Updating tables309
IIICreating database objects
16Creating tables325
17Specifying constraints346
18Designing tables365
19Using indexes378
21Users and data security425
22Catalog tables441
IVProgramming with SQL
23Introduction to embedded SQL451
24Transactions and multi-user usage487
25Introduction to ODBC507
26Optimization of statements544
VProcedural database objects
27Stored procedures563
VIObject relational concepts
29User-defined data types, functions and operators599
30Inheritance, references and collections617
31The future of SQL638
App. ASyntax of SQL641
App. BScalar functions667
App. C Bibliography681

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