IT Disaster Recovery Planning For Dummies

IT Disaster Recovery Planning For Dummies

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by Peter H. Gregory

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Create a safety net while you work out your major plan

Identify critical IT systems, develop a long-range strategy, and train your people

Some disasters get coverage on CNN — some just create headaches for the affected organization. The right plan will get your business back on track quickly, whether you're hit by a tornado or a disgruntled

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Create a safety net while you work out your major plan

Identify critical IT systems, develop a long-range strategy, and train your people

Some disasters get coverage on CNN — some just create headaches for the affected organization. The right plan will get your business back on track quickly, whether you're hit by a tornado or a disgruntled employee with super hacking powers. Here's how to assess the situation, develop both short-term and long-term plans, and keep them updated.

Discover how to:

  • Select your disaster recovery team
  • Conduct a Business Impact Analysis
  • Determine risks
  • Get management support
  • Create appropriate plan documents
  • Test your plan

Product Details

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For Dummies Series
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7.40(w) x 9.10(h) x 0.80(d)

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