Java Database Programming: Servlets and JDBC

Java Database Programming: Servlets and JDBC

by Alan Williamson, D. G. Williamson, Ceri Moran

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Breakthrough information for Web database developers!

  • The first book to cover servlets - Java's answer to CGI, set to revolutionize Web database design.
  • Ties together JDBC, servlets, front-end design, security, multi-threading and client/server.
  • Practical coverage of database security, communications and multitasking.

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Breakthrough information for Web database developers!

  • The first book to cover servlets - Java's answer to CGI, set to revolutionize Web database design.
  • Ties together JDBC, servlets, front-end design, security, multi-threading and client/server.
  • Practical coverage of database security, communications and multitasking.
This book brings together state-of-the-art coverage of the new technologies Web database developers need to know about - especially servlets, Java's reliable, powerful answer to CGI. The book begins with detailed coverage of the most interesting features of servlets and JDBC, including security, communications and multitasking. Extensive sample code shows how the language constructs operate. Next, the book presents techniques for front-ending actual applications built with Oracle and other leading database products. Detailed JDBC coverage includes JDBC connections, statements and prepared statements. Java Database Programming: Servlets and JDBC will be an invaluable resource for all developers who want to build leading edge Web database applications.

Alan Williamson is a professional C++ and Java developer specializing in database construction. He has several articles published in The Java Report, the foremost reference magazine for new Java programming techniques.

Ceri Moran is a database programmer with MDIS, a leading programming consultancy that works closely with Sun Microsystems.

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Product Details

Prentice Hall Professional Technical Reference
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Product dimensions:
7.47(w) x 9.91(h) x 1.43(d)

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