JDBC: Database Programming with J2EE

JDBC: Database Programming with J2EE

by Art Taylor

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JDBC gives Java developers the power to database-enable virtually any application, on virtually any platform, using virtually any database. In this book, leading JDBC expert Art Taylor combines an expert JDBC tutorial and a definitive API reference that provides thorough and detailed coverage of the new JDBC 3.0 standard. Taylor brings together code examples, design… See more details below


JDBC gives Java developers the power to database-enable virtually any application, on virtually any platform, using virtually any database. In this book, leading JDBC expert Art Taylor combines an expert JDBC tutorial and a definitive API reference that provides thorough and detailed coverage of the new JDBC 3.0 standard. Taylor brings together code examples, design patterns, and expert programming techniques for J2EE programming. Code examples include Web development, GUI programming with Swing, servlets, JSPs, EJBs, and RMI.

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Pearson Education
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7.02(w) x 9.28(h) x 1.07(d)

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