Joe Celko's SQL Puzzles and Answers

Joe Celko's SQL Puzzles and Answers

by Joe Celko, Celko

"This little collection of puzzles is something to bash your head against while awaiting your SQL epiphany." —Joe Celko

Joe Celko challenges you with his trickiest puzzles and then helps you conquer them with a variety of solutions and explanations. The puzzles are a compilation from Joe's columns in DBMS and Database Programming &

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"This little collection of puzzles is something to bash your head against while awaiting your SQL epiphany." —Joe Celko

Joe Celko challenges you with his trickiest puzzles and then helps you conquer them with a variety of solutions and explanations. The puzzles are a compilation from Joe's columns in DBMS and Database Programming & Design magazines. They include new, never-before-published puzzles plus new solutions and extra background for previously published puzzles. In his usual entertaining and informative style, Joe demonstrates the thought processes that are involved in attacking a problem from an SQL perspective. Through the practical, enjoyable puzzles, he introduces immediately useful new techniques and applications for SQL programming, and shows the database programmer how to write and use non-procedural programs.

Editorial Reviews

From the Publisher
"This little collection of puzzles is something to bash your head against while awaiting your SQL epiphany."
—Joe Celko

Product Details

Elsevier Science
Publication date:
Morgan Kaufmann Series in Data Management Systems Series
Product dimensions:
7.11(w) x 9.04(h) x 0.61(d)

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