Journal on Data Semantics III / Edition 1

Journal on Data Semantics III / Edition 1

by Springer Berlin Heidelberg

The LNCS Journal on Data Semantics is devoted to the presentation of notable work that, in one way or another, addresses research and development on issues related to data semantics. Based on the highly visible publication platform Lecture Notes in Computer Science, this new journal is widely disseminated and available worldwide. The scope of the journal ranges

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The LNCS Journal on Data Semantics is devoted to the presentation of notable work that, in one way or another, addresses research and development on issues related to data semantics. Based on the highly visible publication platform Lecture Notes in Computer Science, this new journal is widely disseminated and available worldwide. The scope of the journal ranges from theories supporting the formal definition of semantic content to innovative domain-specific applications of semantic knowledge. The journal addresses researchers and advanced practitioners working on the semantic web, interoperability, mobile information services, data warehousing, knowledge representation and reasoning, conceptual database modeling, ontologies, and artificial intelligence.

Product Details

Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Publication date:
Lecture Notes in Computer Science / Journal on Data Semantics (closed) Series, #3534
Edition description:
Product dimensions:
0.49(w) x 6.14(h) x 9.21(d)

Table of Contents

Geospatial Semantics: Why, of What, and How?.- Spherical Topological Relations.- GeoPQL: A Geographical Pictorial Query Language That Resolves Ambiguities in Query Interpretation.- A Fuzzy Identity-Based Temporal GIS for the Analysis of Geomorphometry Changes.- Interoperability for GIS Document Management in Environmental Planning.- Semantic Information in Geo-Ontologies: Extraction, Comparison, and Reconciliation.- Semantic Mappings in Description Logics for Spatio-temporal Database Schema Integration.- Data Semantics in Location-Based Services.- Geospatial conceptualisation: A Cross-Cultural Analysis on Portuguese and American Geographical Categorisations.

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