Keyguide to Information Sources in Online and CD-ROM Database Searching

Keyguide to Information Sources in Online and CD-ROM Database Searching

by C. J. Armstrong, John Cox, Richard J. Hartley

Editorial Reviews

In updating the 1991 edition, Armstrong (U. of Northumbria at Newcastle, England) provides an evaluative guide to the escalating number of major information sources available online, CD-ROM databases, and newer alternative resources such as Campus-wide Information Services. Also included are an annotated bibliography (covering hardware, software, retrieval services, search techniques for different fields, training, legal issues, and sources on how to evaluate the quality of such products and services); and a listing of relevant organizations (advisory, industry, and membership) world-wide. Such resources have become essential tools for researchers and information science professionals in navigating the contemporary information explosion. Distributed by Books International. Annotation c. by Book News, Inc., Portland, Or.

Product Details

Mansell Publishing, Limited
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6.02(w) x 9.21(h) x (d)

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