Knowledge Building and Knowledge Sharing / Edition 1

Knowledge Building and Knowledge Sharing / Edition 1

by K. Fuchi, T. Yokoi

Very Large-Scale Knowledge Bases are the core technology to efficiently build the information or knowledge infrastructure that will serve as the foundation for an advanced global scale information society in the 21st century. Available sources from science and technology are mobilsed towards this aim of building VLSKB. Notable subjects adressed are; language… See more details below


Very Large-Scale Knowledge Bases are the core technology to efficiently build the information or knowledge infrastructure that will serve as the foundation for an advanced global scale information society in the 21st century. Available sources from science and technology are mobilsed towards this aim of building VLSKB. Notable subjects adressed are; language technology, academic and social demands, knowledge technology and sharable knowledge sources and infrastructure. Readers: AI, information services and sciences professionals, researchers and engineers.

Product Details

IOS Press, Incorporated
Publication date:
Product dimensions:
9.80(w) x 6.70(h) x 4.20(d)
Age Range:
17 Years

Table of Contents

From Infancy to Adolescence3
Very Large-Scale Knowledge Bases Embodying Intelligence Space9
KB & KS as a New Economic and Social Infrastructure21
On the Nature of Human Knowledge22
Current Status and Future Trends in Natural Language Processing29
Analysis and Generation Technologies39
Towards Automated Knowledge Acquisition51
Acquisition and Exploitation of Textual Resources for NLP58
Knowledge-based Processing in MT68
How Can People Share Large Knowledge Bases85
Knowledge Sharing: Prospects and Challenges102
Reusable and Shareable Knowledge Bases: A European Perspective110
Viewing Data Through a Knowledge Representation Lens121
Knowledge Reuse and Ontology125
The Future of Academic Information Services135
The Role of the Text Encoding Initiative in Creating, Maintaining and Using Well-Documented and Multi-Purpose Electronic Resources145
Towards the Knowledgeable Community155
Knowledge Sharing in Integrated User Support Environments: Applications, Frameworks and Infrastructure165
Context: A Real Problem for Large and Shareable Knowledge Bases175
Sharing of Very Large-Scale Knowledge Bases: A Rule-Selection Approach182
A New Framework of Very Large Knowledge-Bases - From Database and Constraint Logic Programming Points of View192
Linguistic Instruments in Knowledge Engineering, A Research Proposal and Some Experiments200
Adapting Database Implementation Techniques to Manage Very Large Knowledge Bases211
Knowledge Discovery in Object-Oriented and Active Databases221
Context Reflection for Flexible Knowledge Representation233
The Role of Ontologies in Structuring Large Knowledge Bases240
KQML - A Language and Protocol for Knowledge and Information Exchange249
Toward a Radical Shared Lexicon263
Text Compiler and Concept-Tagged Corpus270
Extracting Knowledge Bases From Machine-Readable Dictionaries: Have We Wasted Our Time?276
Production of Machine Translation Dictionary With Frequency Information286
Massively Parallel Matching of Knowledge Structures299
Toward Knowledge Intensive Engineering308
Building and Sharing Large Knowledge Bases in Molecular Genetics317
Author Index329

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