Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining

Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining

by M. A. Bramer

This book reviews some of the underlying technologies and also some recent applications in a number of fields. In a world increasingly overloaded with data of varying quality, not least via the Internet, computerised tools are becoming useful to "mine" useful data from the mass available.See more details below


This book reviews some of the underlying technologies and also some recent applications in a number of fields. In a world increasingly overloaded with data of varying quality, not least via the Internet, computerised tools are becoming useful to "mine" useful data from the mass available.

Product Details

Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET)
Publication date:
Professional Applications of Computing Series
Product dimensions:
6.12(w) x 9.25(h) x (d)

Related Subjects

Table of Contents

Estimating concept difficulty with cross entropy, K. Nazar and M.A. Bramer
analysing outliers by searching for plausible hypotheses, X. Liu and G. Cheng
attribute-value distribution as a technique for increasing the efficiency of data mining, D. McSherry
using background knowledge with attribute-oriented data mining, M. Shapcott
a development framework for temporal data mining, X. Chen and I. Petrounias
an integrated discovery approach to health-information analysis, M. Lloyd-Williams
direct knowledge discovery and intepretation from a multilayer perceptron network which performs low-back pain classification, M.L. Vaughn
discovering knowledge from low quality meteorological databases, C.M. Howard and V.J. Rayward-Smith
a meteorological knowledge-discovery environment, A.G. Buchner
mining the organic compound jungle - a functional programming approach, K.E. Burn-Thornton and J. Bradshaw
data mining with neural networks - an applied example in understanding electricity consumption patterns, P. Brierley and B. Batty.

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