Learn Oracle 8i

Learn Oracle 8i

by Jose A. Ramalho

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Learn Oracle8i is a comprehensive guide covering all of the features of the newest release of the Oracle database. Author Jose A. Ramalho begins with an overview of the Oracle database, including its structure and components, and introduces the basics of database programming. Readers learn to create and maintain tables, use indexes and sequences, restrict access to

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Learn Oracle8i is a comprehensive guide covering all of the features of the newest release of the Oracle database. Author Jose A. Ramalho begins with an overview of the Oracle database, including its structure and components, and introduces the basics of database programming. Readers learn to create and maintain tables, use indexes and sequences, restrict access to tables using privileges and roles, and implement constraints and triggers to ensure data integrity.

Product Details

Wordware Publishing, Inc.
Publication date:
Product dimensions:
7.51(w) x 9.26(h) x 1.41(d)

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