Learn Personal Oracle 8.0 with Powerobjects 2.0

Learn Personal Oracle 8.0 with Powerobjects 2.0

by Jose Antonio Ramalho

Learn Oracle 7.3 and PowerObjects 2.0 is one of the first books on the market that covers both Oracle database and PowerObjects from installation to the complete development of an application. The emphasis throughout is on client-server development, and Ramalho's book offers a practical and easy way to learn the setup and operation of the Personal Oracle 7.3 database.… See more details below


Learn Oracle 7.3 and PowerObjects 2.0 is one of the first books on the market that covers both Oracle database and PowerObjects from installation to the complete development of an application. The emphasis throughout is on client-server development, and Ramalho's book offers a practical and easy way to learn the setup and operation of the Personal Oracle 7.3 database. The step-by-step tutorial shows how to create a complete and real-world client-server application with PowerObjects.

Combining 16 years of publishing and consulting experience in the computer industry with over 60 titles published in Portuguese and English, Jose Ramalho is the leading computer book author in Brazil.

Editorial Reviews

Takes developers through basics of working with the Oracle database, and presents a step-by-step tutorial on developing a basic client- server application with Power Objects 2.0. Covers topics including operating Navigator, using SQL Plus and PL/SQL, creating tables, and managing users, privileges, and roles. Includes reference guides to Oracle basic commands and functions and Power Objects properties, plus a glossary of Oracle and database terminology. Annotation c. by Book News, Inc., Portland, Or.

Product Details

Wordware Publishing, Inc.
Publication date:
Product dimensions:
7.50(w) x 9.26(h) x 1.26(d)

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