Learn SQL

Learn SQL

by Jose A. Ramalho, Jose Ramalho

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A comprehensive overview of the SQL language, ideally suited for introductory to intermediate level programmers who have some experience with relational database software. The CD-ROM includes a full evaluation version of the SQLbase database, providing the reader with hands-on practice of this important language. See more details below


A comprehensive overview of the SQL language, ideally suited for introductory to intermediate level programmers who have some experience with relational database software. The CD-ROM includes a full evaluation version of the SQLbase database, providing the reader with hands-on practice of this important language.

Editorial Reviews

This book covers the standard SQL language and teaches the concepts necessary for the creation of database objects, such as tables, indexes, and synonyms, focusing particularly on the SELECT command as the core of the language. A reference section provides a guide to several of Microsoft's SQL variations. The enclosed CD-ROM contains a trial version of a SQLBase database and an evaluation copy of Extended System's Advantage Database Server 5.5. Ramalho has worked for 17 years publishing and consulting in the computer industry. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com)

Product Details

Wordware Publishing, Inc.
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7.53(w) x 9.25(h) x 1.15(d)

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