Learn Visual dBASE 5.5 for Windows in a Day

Learn Visual dBASE 5.5 for Windows in a Day

by Antony Mosley

Use this handy quick reference/tutorial to explore the power and flexibility of Borland's latest dBASE release, Visual dBASE 5.5 for Windows. Hands-on activities and step-by-step instructions guide users through all the basics including table creation, indexing and sorting, working with queries, using Crystal Reports, working with forms, working with menus, and an… See more details below


Use this handy quick reference/tutorial to explore the power and flexibility of Borland's latest dBASE release, Visual dBASE 5.5 for Windows. Hands-on activities and step-by-step instructions guide users through all the basics including table creation, indexing and sorting, working with queries, using Crystal Reports, working with forms, working with menus, and an introduction to programming. A companion diskette with exercise examples is included.

Product Details

Wordware Publishing, Inc.
Publication date:
Popular Applications Ser.
Edition description:
Product dimensions:
6.10(w) x 9.05(h) x 0.49(d)

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