Learning Oracle PL/SQL

Learning Oracle PL/SQL

by Bill Pribyl, Steven Feuerstein

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"Learning Oracle PL/SQL" introduces PL/SQL in a way that's useful to a variety of audiences: beginning programmers, new Oracle database administrators, and developers familiar with other databases who now need to learn Oracle. A consistent and understandable example application—the development of a library's electronic catalog system—runs through the

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"Learning Oracle PL/SQL" introduces PL/SQL in a way that's useful to a variety of audiences: beginning programmers, new Oracle database administrators, and developers familiar with other databases who now need to learn Oracle. A consistent and understandable example application—the development of a library's electronic catalog system—runs through the chapters.

Product Details

O'Reilly Media, Incorporated
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7.05(w) x 9.23(h) x 1.09(d)

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