Linux for the Oracle DBA: The Definitive Reference

Linux for the Oracle DBA: The Definitive Reference

by Jon Emmons

This book will cover all major aspects of Linux system management critical to running Oracle on Linux. Unlike general system administration books, this book will focus on those tasks most important to Oracle administrators.

The author has broken down the complex subject of Linux administration into easy to digest chapters organized by task. This makes the subject

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This book will cover all major aspects of Linux system management critical to running Oracle on Linux. Unlike general system administration books, this book will focus on those tasks most important to Oracle administrators.

The author has broken down the complex subject of Linux administration into easy to digest chapters organized by task. This makes the subject matter easier to learn and makes it a compelling reference which the reader will go back to for specific information.

Product Details

Rampant TechPress
Publication date:
Oracle In-Focus series
Product dimensions:
7.50(w) x 9.25(h) x 0.93(d)

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