Maintaining Information Systems in Organizations

Maintaining Information Systems in Organizations

by E. Burton Swanson, Cynthia Mathis Beath, Cynthia M. Beath

A broad-ranging study of comparative environments for information systems (IS) maintenance. Considers alternative strategies for management of the maintenance process, including alternative approaches to organization design, task definition and assignment, work technique, and policies for coordination and control. The basis of this book is the field studies (based

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A broad-ranging study of comparative environments for information systems (IS) maintenance. Considers alternative strategies for management of the maintenance process, including alternative approaches to organization design, task definition and assignment, work technique, and policies for coordination and control. The basis of this book is the field studies (based on analysis of a dozen IS organizations) from which have been developed a set of cases on IS maintenance. These twelve cases provide insight into the real-life problems—and solutions—of IS maintenance. Also considers summarizes the main concerns of IS maintenance and offers specific direction for management and further research.

Product Details

Publication date:
John Wiley Series in Information Systems Series, #4
Product dimensions:
6.10(w) x 9.25(h) x 0.79(d)

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