Managing Contacts with Act! 2006

Managing Contacts with Act! 2006

by Timothy and Edward Kachinske, Timothy Kachinske

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Edward and Timothy Kachinske offer information on the contact management software ACT! used in small offices. They explain how to install, use, upgrade, and customize the software. Further considered are new features of version 6.0; conversion; working with contacts, companies, and groups in the software; performing queries; making schedules; and opportunity… See more details below


Edward and Timothy Kachinske offer information on the contact management software ACT! used in small offices. They explain how to install, use, upgrade, and customize the software. Further considered are new features of version 6.0; conversion; working with contacts, companies, and groups in the software; performing queries; making schedules; and opportunity management. Other applications addressed include mail features, document management, email, Outlook and internet integration, reports, database creation, synchronization, and troubleshooting, add-ons, and maintenance. The book does not have a bibliography. The Kachinskes are resellers of the software, developers, and trainers. Annotation ©2006 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR

Product Details

Cengage Learning
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7.40(w) x 9.12(h) x 0.92(d)

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