Managing the Data Warehouse

Managing the Data Warehouse

by W. H. Inmon, J. D. Welch, Katherine L. Glassey

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From the "father of the data warehouse"-Everything you need to know to keep your data warehouse up and running smoothly, efficiently, and securely

Coauthored by W. H. Inmon, the man who started the data warehouse revolution, this book is written for those charged with the job of managing and administering their companies' data warehouses. Managing the Data Warehouse

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From the "father of the data warehouse"-Everything you need to know to keep your data warehouse up and running smoothly, efficiently, and securely

Coauthored by W. H. Inmon, the man who started the data warehouse revolution, this book is written for those charged with the job of managing and administering their companies' data warehouses. Managing the Data Warehouse is a complete guide to everything information systems managers need to know to keep a data warehouse running smoothly, efficiently, and securely, now and in the years ahead. Among crucial topics covered in detail are:
* Monitoring data warehouse data, operations, and performance
* Managing data warehouse security
* Administering metadata management
* Selecting and managing end-user tools and interfaces
* Data warehouse refreshment
* Managing summary data
* Managing data warehouse growth

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Product dimensions:
7.47(w) x 9.23(h) x 0.92(d)

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