MariaDB High Performance

MariaDB High Performance

by Pierre Mavro

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MariaDB is an open source fork of MySQL. It is a relational database that is used to build fast, scalable, and reliable SQL servers. MariaDB has more than 30 man years of development on top of MySQL. It enables better testing features and supports all major storage engines, enabling a smooth transition for MySQL developers.

Designing and maintaining a huge amount

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MariaDB is an open source fork of MySQL. It is a relational database that is used to build fast, scalable, and reliable SQL servers. MariaDB has more than 30 man years of development on top of MySQL. It enables better testing features and supports all major storage engines, enabling a smooth transition for MySQL developers.

Designing and maintaining a huge amount of data in production is not an easy task. Understanding how solutions work, what kind of differences exist between them, and how to get them working is necessary before designing a solution for production. MariaDB High Performance will help you avoid mistakes, bad designs, or wrong strategic choices.

This book will throw light on important and crucial subjects like which hardware should be used in which situation and what the bottlenecks generally are. Furthermore, you will understand the OS and hardware limitations, how to diagnose performance issues and how to use related tools. To help you get the most out of this tool you will be introduced to the best practices of SQL queries and index usage. You will get acquainted with the latest addition in the MariaDB family, known as Spider and you will get to know how data sharding is carried out across several MariaDB servers using Spider. This book will also show you how to create a slave at first, followed by the benefits of having multiple slaves, and how to load balance against them. Most importantly you will learn how to check the replication status and how to optimize bandwidth traffic.

We will conclude the journey by covering vital topics like multiple backup solutions, and backing up a Galera cluster, which will come in handy when you start building your own architecture.

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Product Details

Packt Publishing
Publication date:
Product dimensions:
7.50(w) x 9.25(h) x 0.62(d)

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