Marketing Analytics: Data-Driven Techniques with Microsoft Excel

Marketing Analytics: Data-Driven Techniques with Microsoft Excel

by Wayne L. Winston

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Powerful techniques for analyzing business data with Excel

Most businesses are awash in data. To make that data work for your business, you need a simple, cost-effective tool — ideally, one you already know something about. Excel is that tool.

Every example in this book features step-by-step instructions, a downloadable Excel file containing

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Powerful techniques for analyzing business data with Excel

Most businesses are awash in data. To make that data work for your business, you need a simple, cost-effective tool — ideally, one you already know something about. Excel is that tool.

Every example in this book features step-by-step instructions, a downloadable Excel file containing data and solutions, and plenty of screenshots. To sharpen your marketing analytics, you just need this guide and Excel.

This book will help you master many important marketing analytic concepts, including:

  • Using Excel charts and functions to summarize marketing data
  • Estimating demand curves and using Solver to determine profit-maximizing pricing strategies
  • Using cluster analysis for market segmentation
  • Developing customized forecasting models that show you how your marketing mix impacts sales
  • Measuring the effectiveness of your advertising program
  • Understanding the analytics underlying social networks and viral marketing

Companion website

At the companion website,, you can download all the Excel files used in this book, find answers to all the exercises at the ends of the chapters, and be advised of any errors discovered.

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Product Details

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11.20(w) x 9.00(h) x 1.80(d)

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