Mastering Access 97 for Windows 95/NT, with CD-ROM

Mastering Access 97 for Windows 95/NT, with CD-ROM

by Alan Simpson, Elizabeth Olson

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Mastering Access 97 is a completely new edition of the comprehensive guide to Microsoft's latest version of Access for Windows 95/NT. From beginner essentials to power tools, this book is both an effective reference and a tutorial guide. Solve your problems quickly using the new "Master's Reference" section filled with brief step-by-step answers to all your Access 97… See more details below


Mastering Access 97 is a completely new edition of the comprehensive guide to Microsoft's latest version of Access for Windows 95/NT. From beginner essentials to power tools, this book is both an effective reference and a tutorial guide. Solve your problems quickly using the new "Master's Reference" section filled with brief step-by-step answers to all your Access 97 questions, giving you double the learning power in one book. Increase productivity with new, timesaving features, use the Web as a business tool, and optimize performance and create full-fledged custom applications. The enclosed CD-ROM contains applications, software, resources, fonts, functions, and other Access tools. You'll find Fulfill 95, a ready-to-use order entry application, complete with source code; sample databases used to create the examples in the book; CheckWriter, the check-printing software from Cary Prague Books and Software, a set of multimedia demos of applications available from Access to Business; shareware fonts for printing POSTNET bar codes; custom functions: and much more.

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Product Details

Wiley, John & Sons, Incorporated
Publication date:
Mastering Series
Product dimensions:
7.54(w) x 9.01(h) x 2.33(d)

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