Mastering Dreamweaver MX Databases

Mastering Dreamweaver MX Databases

by Susan Sales Harkins, Bryan Chamberlain, Darren McGee

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Master the Techniques for Creating Data-Driven Websites with Dreamweaver MX

Harness the power of Dreamweaver MX to build dynamic, database-driven websites. Mastering Dreamweaver MX Databases equips you with all the coding and database skills you need. You’ll find focused coverage of key Dreamweaver MX features, plus highly practical instruction

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Master the Techniques for Creating Data-Driven Websites with Dreamweaver MX

Harness the power of Dreamweaver MX to build dynamic, database-driven websites. Mastering Dreamweaver MX Databases equips you with all the coding and database skills you need. You’ll find focused coverage of key Dreamweaver MX features, plus highly practical instruction relating to the most important scripting languages and databases supported by Dreamweaver MX..

Topics include:

  • Creating ASP, JSP, ColdFusion, ASP.NET, and PHP pages

  • Connecting to SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle, Access, and other ODBC databases

  • Capturing, storing, retrieving, and updating data

  • Choosing the language and database combination that’s right for your purpose

  • Mastering the Dreamweaver MX data view, insert, and update features

  • Creating recordsets and queries in Dreamweaver MX-supported languages and databases

  • Securing your site and database using Dreamweaver MX features and best practices

  • Designing pages using live data from your database with Dreamweaver’s Live Data view

  • Saving time using master/detail forms and templates

  • Creating search pages for your database

  • Using the extensions available to Dreamweaver MX to aid database development

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Product Details

Publication date:
Edition description:
Book and CD-ROM
Product dimensions:
7.45(w) x 9.00(h) x 1.58(d)

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