Mastering DynamoDB

Mastering DynamoDB

by Tanmay Deshpande

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This book is a practical, example-oriented guide that begins with an introduction to DynamoDB, how it started, what it is, and its features. It then introduces you to DynamoDB's data model, demonstrating CRUD operations on the data model. Once you get an understanding of the data model, you will be able to dive deep into the DynamoDB architecture to understand its

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This book is a practical, example-oriented guide that begins with an introduction to DynamoDB, how it started, what it is, and its features. It then introduces you to DynamoDB's data model, demonstrating CRUD operations on the data model. Once you get an understanding of the data model, you will be able to dive deep into the DynamoDB architecture to understand its flexibility, scalability, and reliability.

The book also gives you plenty of best practices you should follow in order to achieve time and cost efficiency. Later, you will explore some advanced topics such as CloudWatch Monitoring, the AWS security token service, and the use of IAM to perform access control management.

The book discusses a variety of use cases that will help you get a practical sense of DynamoDB. Finally, the book ends with a discussion on using DynamoDB as a backend for Android/iOS mobile applications with sample code that will help you build your own applications.

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Packt Publishing
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