MDX Reporting and Analytics with SAP NetWeaver BW

MDX Reporting and Analytics with SAP NetWeaver BW

by Larry Sackett

This is the first book to provide a detailed guide of how MDX works in the SAP NetWeaver BW and Business Objects environments. Readers will learn the concepts behind MDX querying, how to design MDX-friendly InfoCubes, and how to apply the knowledge in solving business problems and creating reports efficiently. Four main sections guide you toward a greater… See more details below


This is the first book to provide a detailed guide of how MDX works in the SAP NetWeaver BW and Business Objects environments. Readers will learn the concepts behind MDX querying, how to design MDX-friendly InfoCubes, and how to apply the knowledge in solving business problems and creating reports efficiently. Four main sections guide you toward a greater understanding of all MDX can do: An overview of the technology; the essentials of the MDX query language as it’s implemented in NetWeaver BW, starting with basic concepts and then moving onto advanced MDX functionality; how-to design MDX-friendly InfoCubes, including characteristics (MDX dimensions) enabled with external hierarchies; and a full section dedicated to examples of how common business problems are addressed with MDX featuring practical examples with actual reports.

Product Details

SAP Press
Publication date:
Product dimensions:
7.10(w) x 9.30(h) x 1.10(d)

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