Microsoft Access 2000-Illustrated Complete / Edition 1

Microsoft Access 2000-Illustrated Complete / Edition 1

by Lisa Friedrichsen

As part of the Illustrated Series, this text offers a quick, visual, step-by-step approach for learning basic to advanced database skills. Currently, this text is pending approval as a Microsoft-approved study guide for the MOUS certification exam (Access Expert Level).See more details below


As part of the Illustrated Series, this text offers a quick, visual, step-by-step approach for learning basic to advanced database skills. Currently, this text is pending approval as a Microsoft-approved study guide for the MOUS certification exam (Access Expert Level).

Product Details

Cengage Learning
Publication date:
Illustrated Series
Edition description:
New Edition
Product dimensions:
8.52(w) x 10.98(h) x 0.69(d)

Table of Contents

Windows 98: Unit A: Getting Started with Windows 98 Unit B: Working with Programs, Files and Folders Microsoft Access 2000: Unit A: Getting Started with Access 2000 Unit B: Using Tables and Queries Unit C: Using Forms Unit D: Using Reports Unit E Modifying a Relational Database Structure Unit F: Creating Multiple Table Queries Unit G: Creating Forms, Subforms, and Controls Unit H: Working with Databases and Building Complex Reports Unit I: Sharing Access Information with Other Office Programs Unit J: Creating Data Access Pages Unit K: Creating Advanced Queries Unit L: Creating Advanced Forms and Reports Unit M: Managing Database Objects Unit N: Creating Macros Unit O: Creating Modules Unit P: Maintaining the Database

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