Microsoft Access 2000: Core and Expert Certification

Microsoft Access 2000: Core and Expert Certification

by Nita Hewitt Rutkosky, Meredith Flynn, Nita Hewitt Rutkosky

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Editorial Reviews

This text covers Microsoft Access 2000 core level and teaches the core and expert skills required for Microsoft Office User Specialist certification. Flynn (Bowling Green State U.) and Rutkosky (Pierce College) present seven chapters that accelerate learning through the use of visuals, screen captures, and illustrations. Graduated instruction from guided tutorials to independent learning promote interdisciplinary learning with exercises that feature both analyzing database information and communicating the results. The CD- ROM contains numerous files for completing some exercises and assessments in chapters. Spiral binding. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (

Product Details

EMC/Paradigm Publishing
Publication date:
Benchmark Series
Edition description:
New Edition

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