Microsoft Access 2000: Complete Tutorial

Microsoft Access 2000: Complete Tutorial

by Pasewark

Covering beginning through advanced software features, this comprehensive book contains step-by-step instructions, screen illustrations, objectives, tips, notes, chapter summaries, end-of-chapter exercises, projects and SCANS correlations. Certified as Expert level for Access, this book is aimed at beginning through advanced introductory classes. See more details below


Covering beginning through advanced software features, this comprehensive book contains step-by-step instructions, screen illustrations, objectives, tips, notes, chapter summaries, end-of-chapter exercises, projects and SCANS correlations. Certified as Expert level for Access, this book is aimed at beginning through advanced introductory classes.

Editorial Reviews

A tutorial for all levels, featuring a range of learning experiences, from activities with one or two commands to simulations and case studies. Includes chapter objectives and summaries, chapter and unit review questions, projects, and unit command summaries, plus a glossary. Ideal for use in computer courses with students who have varying abilities and backgrounds. Cable owns a computer consulting company; Pasewark is a management consultant. The volume is wire spiral bound. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (

Product Details

Course Technology, Inc.
Publication date:
Computer Applications Series

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