Microsoft Access 2010 CourseNotes / Edition 1

Microsoft Access 2010 CourseNotes / Edition 1

by Course Technology

Microsoft Access 2010 CourseNotes give you the tools you need to succeed! Course Technology's CourseNotes are a six-panel quick reference card that reinforces the most important and widely used features of a software application in a visual and user-friendly format. CourseNotes will serve as a great reference tool for all Adobe Photoshop learners.See more details below


Microsoft Access 2010 CourseNotes give you the tools you need to succeed! Course Technology's CourseNotes are a six-panel quick reference card that reinforces the most important and widely used features of a software application in a visual and user-friendly format. CourseNotes will serve as a great reference tool for all Adobe Photoshop learners.

Product Details

Cengage Learning
Publication date:
CourseNotes Series
Edition description:
New Edition
Product dimensions:
0.33(w) x 0.43(h) x 0.00(d)

Related Subjects

Table of Contents

1. Basic Functions. 2. Home Tab. 3. Create Tab. 4. External Data Tab. 5. Database Tools Tab.

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