Microsoft Access 7.0 by Pictorial

Microsoft Access 7.0 by Pictorial

by Dennis Curtin

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Each module is filled with PicTorials, picture tutorials that teach users computer applications using screen shots to guide them each step of the way. This outstanding book is part of the important new Windows 95 by PicTorial Series , a collection of books that feature helpful icons which 1) highlight common trouble spots, 2) preview procedures coveredSee more details below


Each module is filled with PicTorials, picture tutorials that teach users computer applications using screen shots to guide them each step of the way. This outstanding book is part of the important new Windows 95 by PicTorial Series , a collection of books that feature helpful icons which 1) highlight common trouble spots, 2) preview procedures covered later, and 3) review information presented in earlier PicTorials. All the books in this series are packed with interesting exercises and activities that will stimulate and challenge readers. This book covers all aspects of Microsoft Access 7.0 with chapters on jump-starting Access, creating databases, using databases, presenting data, and using relational databases.

Editorial Reviews

A teacher's companion to how the voice works, good vocal habits, and practical strategies to keep the voice in top condition. Although directed towards teachers and lecturers, anyone who uses their voice as a professional will benefit from this clearly detailed explication of stress factors on the voice, its use as a physical skill, the importance of vocal health in communication, and practical suggestions for exercising vocal abilities to achieve volume and distance. The volume shows an erroneous ISBN 1-56593-607-8. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (

Product Details

Prentice Hall Professional Technical Reference
Publication date:
Pictorial Series
Edition description:
Product dimensions:
8.57(w) x 10.76(h) x 0.55(d)

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