Microsoft Access 97 at a Glance

Microsoft Access 97 at a Glance

by Perspection Inc.

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For fast answers, a picture is worth a thousand words. Here's the remarkable, visual way to learn to use the powerful database features of Microsoft Access 97. MicrosoftAccess 97 At A Glance lets you focus on a particular task and shows you, with clear, numbered steps, the easiest way to get it done right now.

Experience Level: Beginner/

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For fast answers, a picture is worth a thousand words. Here's the remarkable, visual way to learn to use the powerful database features of Microsoft Access 97. MicrosoftAccess 97 At A Glance lets you focus on a particular task and shows you, with clear, numbered steps, the easiest way to get it done right now.

Experience Level: Beginner/ Intermediate

Product Details

Microsoft Press
Publication date:
Microsoft at a Glance Series
Product dimensions:
9.17(w) x 7.35(h) x 0.79(d)

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