Microsoft Access 97 Developer's Handbook: Create Robust Databases Develop Custom Interfaces

Microsoft Access 97 Developer's Handbook: Create Robust Databases Develop Custom Interfaces

by Timothy M O'Brien T Glenn Tim Tim Lawrence Dan Edna Richard Frank Frank John Jack Jack Jack J

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This how-to book of custom applications shows how organizations can use Access 97 to develop effective information systems in less time, for less money. This is the one-volume reference that shows users how to automate tasks, do application programming, and integrate an Intranet or the Internet. The CD includes source files and developer tools.See more details below


This how-to book of custom applications shows how organizations can use Access 97 to develop effective information systems in less time, for less money. This is the one-volume reference that shows users how to automate tasks, do application programming, and integrate an Intranet or the Internet. The CD includes source files and developer tools.

Product Details

Microsoft Press
Publication date:
Solution Developer Series
Edition description:
Product dimensions:
7.20(w) x 9.13(h) x 1.60(d)

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