Microsoft Access 97 for Windows: Tutorial and Applications / Edition 1

Microsoft Access 97 for Windows: Tutorial and Applications / Edition 1

by William Robert Pasewark, Sandra Cable

Certified by Microsoft as Expert in preparation for the MOUS exam, this book covers the beginning, intermediate, and advanced capabilities of Access. Self-paced, and self-instructional, this book provides all the instruction necessary to become a knowledgeable user of Access.See more details below


Certified by Microsoft as Expert in preparation for the MOUS exam, this book covers the beginning, intermediate, and advanced capabilities of Access. Self-paced, and self-instructional, this book provides all the instruction necessary to become a knowledgeable user of Access.

Product Details

Cengage Learning
Publication date:
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Product dimensions:
8.20(w) x 10.60(h) x 0.70(d)

Table of Contents

UNIT 1: ACCESS BASICS 1. Getting Started with Access 97 2. Using Access's Menus, Dialog Boxes and Help Feature 3. Creating a New Database 4. Entering and Editing Data 5. Creating and Using Basic Forms 6. Maintaining Data Integrity UNIT 2: MANAGING REPORTS, LABELS, AND RELATIONSHIPS 7. Creating, Modifying, and Printing Basic Reports 8. Creating Mailing Labels 9. Relating Multiple Tables UNIT 3: FINDING INFORMATION 10. Sorting, Finding, and Filtering Figures 11. Basic Queries 12. Enhanced Queries 13. Creating Interactive Queries 14. Creating Multiple Table Queries 15. Using the Expression Builder and Building Summary Queries 16. Creating Advanced Queries UNIT 4: ADVANCED ACCESS FEATURES 17. Creating Reports from Queries 18. Advanced Report Features 19. Advanced Form Features and Hyperlinks 20. Creating Basic Macros 21. Creating Advanced Macros 22. Modifying Macros UNIT 5: ACCESS POWER FEATURES 23. Writing Access Basic 24. Editing Access Basic Statements 25. Importing and Exporting Data and Creating a Web Page APPENDIX: ACCESS AND THE INTERNET GLOSSARY INDEX QUICK REFERENCE CARD

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