Microsoft Access for Windows 95 Instant Reference

Microsoft Access for Windows 95 Instant Reference

by James E. Powell

Keep this handy pocket reference with the books you use most often. Part one covers basic database concepts; part two offers step-by-step instructions for using every Access feature. An unusually strong index makes it a breeze to use. Great for checking new features right as you work. See more details below


Keep this handy pocket reference with the books you use most often. Part one covers basic database concepts; part two offers step-by-step instructions for using every Access feature. An unusually strong index makes it a breeze to use. Great for checking new features right as you work.

Product Details

Wiley, John & Sons, Incorporated
Publication date:
Sybex Instant Reference Series
Edition description:
3rd ed
Product dimensions:
4.70(w) x 7.98(h) x 0.73(d)

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