Microsoft Access for Windows 95, with CD-ROM (Mastering)

Microsoft Access for Windows 95, with CD-ROM (Mastering)

by Alan Simpson, Elizabeth Olson

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Mastering Microsoft Access for Windows 95 is a comprehensive guide to successful database management. Accurate, insightful, and easy to read, this book is designed for beginners, upgraders, and aspiring developers alike. Get off to a fast start. Newcomers get a clear introduction to database concepts, then learn basic Access skills in one sitting. Upgraders can flip… See more details below


Mastering Microsoft Access for Windows 95 is a comprehensive guide to successful database management. Accurate, insightful, and easy to read, this book is designed for beginners, upgraders, and aspiring developers alike. Get off to a fast start. Newcomers get a clear introduction to database concepts, then learn basic Access skills in one sitting. Upgraders can flip ahead to "What's New" sections at the end of each chapter. Learn the nuts and bolts of database management. Find out how to build and query tables; link, import, and export data; use Wizards to create forms and reports; and translate data into meaningful charts and PivotTables. Create full-fledged custom applications. Turn your Access database into a standalone Windows application, complete with your own custom switchboards, dialog boxes, toolbars, and menus. You'll also learn to fine-tune Access to achieve the best possible performance; use networking and security features; use Visual Basic for Applications to refine custom applications; and find out why existing applications work the way they do.

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Product Details

Wiley, John & Sons, Incorporated
Publication date:
Mastering Series
Product dimensions:
7.47(w) x 9.04(h) x 2.48(d)

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