Microsoft ADO.NET Professional Projects

Microsoft ADO.NET Professional Projects

by Sanjeev Rohilla

This book provides a hands-on approach to learning ADO.NET, the data access model provided by the .NET Framework. The book is aimed at readers with programming knowledge of ADO, Visual Basic, and Microsoft SQL Server. Overview chapters cover key concepts of ADO.NET, and subsequent chapters present professional projects based on real-life situations. Projects range… See more details below


This book provides a hands-on approach to learning ADO.NET, the data access model provided by the .NET Framework. The book is aimed at readers with programming knowledge of ADO, Visual Basic, and Microsoft SQL Server. Overview chapters cover key concepts of ADO.NET, and subsequent chapters present professional projects based on real-life situations. Projects range from creating a data access application to complex projects that involve creating an XML Web service. Rohilla is a member of the Center of Competence for Microsoft's technologies. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR

Product Details

Cengage Learning
Publication date:
Professional Projects Series
Product dimensions:
7.60(w) x 9.20(h) x 2.00(d)

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