Microsoft Ado.Net (Core Reference Series)
  • Microsoft Ado.Net (Core Reference Series)
  • Microsoft Ado.Net (Core Reference Series)

Microsoft Ado.Net (Core Reference Series)

by David Sceppa

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For every developer who's uttered, "I wish I knew that before I started writing all this code!" this guide demonstrates how to save time, write less code, and build more powerful, data-driver solutions using Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects. CD contains code samples in VB, along with examples in Visual C++, and Visual J++.See more details below


For every developer who's uttered, "I wish I knew that before I started writing all this code!" this guide demonstrates how to save time, write less code, and build more powerful, data-driver solutions using Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects. CD contains code samples in VB, along with examples in Visual C++, and Visual J++.

Product Details

Microsoft Press
Publication date:
Developer Reference Series
Edition description:
Book with CD
Product dimensions:
7.66(w) x 9.33(h) x 2.07(d)
Age Range:
13 Years

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