Microsoft Content Management Server Field Guide

Microsoft Content Management Server Field Guide

by Michael Wirsching, Francois-Paul Briand

Microsoft Content Management Server Field Guide provides simple crisis-management instructions for intermediate- to advanced-level network administrators who work in the trenches. It offers practical procedural information, reference materials, and focused presentations. This book also features self-contained topics so you do not have to look further to

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Microsoft Content Management Server Field Guide provides simple crisis-management instructions for intermediate- to advanced-level network administrators who work in the trenches. It offers practical procedural information, reference materials, and focused presentations. This book also features self-contained topics so you do not have to look further to obtain prerequisite information.

Microsoft Content Management Server (CMS) streamlines the web publishing process like nothing else out there. CMS integrates with a wide variety of high-end Microsoft productsfor example, Visual Studio .NET for website development and SQL Server for content storage. CMS also works with SharePoint Portal Server for document management and search, and construction of knowledge work portals; with Microsoft Word for content authoring and publishing; and with Commerce Server for content profiling, personalization, and web analysis.

Table of Contents

  1. Configuring the Platform
  2. Configuring MCMS 2002 Components
  3. Measuring and Tuning Performance
  4. Authentication
  5. Administration and Support
  6. Administering a Publication Environment
  7. Deploying Content
  8. Troubleshooting
  9. MCMS Development Using Page Objects

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Product Details

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Product dimensions:
7.00(w) x 9.25(h) x 0.49(d)

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