Microsoft Excel and Access Integration: With Office 2007

Microsoft Excel and Access Integration: With Office 2007

by Michael Alexander, Geoffrey Clark

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Excel users. Access users. You're probably among the majority, living in one camp or the other but rarely crossing between the two. Yet Microsoft designed these applications to work together. In this book, you'll discover how Access benefits from Excel's flexible presentation layer and versatile analysis capabilities, while Access's relational database structure

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Excel users. Access users. You're probably among the majority, living in one camp or the other but rarely crossing between the two. Yet Microsoft designed these applications to work together. In this book, you'll discover how Access benefits from Excel's flexible presentation layer and versatile analysis capabilities, while Access's relational database structure and robust querying tools enhance Excel. Once you learn to make the team work, you'll find that your team's productivity is the real winner.

  • Move data easily between Excel and Access
  • Store Excel data in a structured relational database
  • Create Excel PivotTables with Access data
  • Report Access data using Excel's presentation layer
  • Use VBA, ADO, and SQL to move data from one application to the other
  • Save time and increase productivity by automating redundant processes with VBA
  • Simplify integration tasks using XML
  • Integrate Excel data into other Office applications

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7.40(w) x 9.30(h) x 0.94(d)

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